Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Kurt and Nirvana - Seattle Oct, 2011

On October 15, 2011 I had the chance to visit Seattle.  Two things on the agenda for this quick trip, was to visit Kurts Park, and the Nirvana exhibit at the EMP.  This is my experiences.

Kurts House

Directly to the left of his house is a small greenbelt, with a single bench.  This is known as Kurts Park.  You can see what was his house from the bench.

There was something really special about this place.  Rumor has it Courtney left some of Kurts ashes at this park, but regardless of his ashes, his spirit remains.

After checking into our hotel we went to the Experience Music Project or EMP.  Our main reason for visiting was the Nirvana exhibit, and it was worth the walk and admission fee for that alone.  Any Nirvana fan should make the trip to Seattle for this.

The most amazing thing for me wasnt the MTV award, or the guitars, it was the simple things, casette tapes and original contracts.  The exhibit told an amazing story.

The exhibit was really well done, I didnt see anything that they could have done better.  There was plenty of space, and so much to see.  It probably took us over an hour to go through and read everything. 

Then we went to the giftshop.  To say I was shocked wold be an understatement, to say the EMP should be as ashamed for selling as Courtney should be for allowing this to be made is for certain.

All in all even if you dont want to go to any of the other exhibits, the Nirvana showcase is amazing.

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